I'm Huge In The Sudan
Scroll down about a third through
this page.
You'll see one of my old short stories posted on what I think is a Sudanese website.
Yep, knocked me out of my chair.
Doing a little more searching, I found the same story, "A Sometimes Beautiful Thing," mentioned on a few more sites:
Several years ago someone calling himself "Joe in China" got in touch with me to let me know he'd read my story in that Chinese textbook. Guess someone else has a copy of it, too.
Know who doesn't have a copy of that textbook?
Not that I'm bitter or anything...
Butt! Butt!!

You know if you or I ever did
what Zidane did last night at our workplace, we could hardly expect a pat on the back from the boss.
But not in the eyes of FIFA. In spite of a vicious attack on another player in front of a billion people around the world, Zidane has
just been named the World Cup's best player. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe if I headbutt a kid in one of my classes once August rolls around, someone who just won't behave himself, I could just possibly end up Teacher of the Year.
Or maybe not.
Most people have a firm grasp of 3-D because, well, we're living in a 3-D world. Some people also realize that there's a 4th dimension - Time - and don't have to strain to hard imagining Time as a straight line moving from one point (the past) to another point (the future).
But what about dimensions 5 through 10?
Spend a few minutes watching
this presentation and try and wrap your head around it.
Don't Wanna Be Like Mike
Just think of what life would be like if you resembled a famous celebrity -- for instance, Michael Jordan.
Must not be all that great.
Dorky Cool
Check out
this video of someone performing live the first level of the Mario Brothers game.