As I Was Saying

We had no delay this morning, although the roads around here were treacherous. The bases in this area all closed their schools for the day, but not Baumholder. Nope, the roads up there (thirty minutes north of where I live) were in much better condition early in the morning, and so the go-ahead was given to have school start on time.
Big mistake.
It took me an hour or so to get to school in the morning, mainly because I was crawling along on the backroads from here and the autobahn. Everything was caked in ice, though sure enough, once I got closer to Baumholder, the road conditions improved substantially. So fine. I made it in one piece.
But then the snow came. And came. And came some more. A couple of hours or so into the school day and it was obvious that not only shouldn't school have opened today, but we'd best high tail it out of their quick. Since I'd parked my car a few hours earlier, at least four inches had fallen and it wasn't letting up. The students were sent home at lunch time with the teachers following shortly thereafter.
What followed was an hour and forty-five minute drive home through snow, ice, and cars that weren't going to make it to their houses tonight. I've never been so tense for so long in all my life. I practically had to pry my fingers off the steering wheel when I finally pulled into my driveway and made it home.
Miesau also had quite a bit of snow while I was at work. I took a ruler out in the backyard and discovered almost eight inches had fallen since yesterday. I soon got to work shoveling those eight inches away from my driveway and sidewalk figuring it would be easier to deal with eight inches out in the street today than a foot tomorrow if it keeps snowing.
Now being the guy I am, I couldn't keep all this fun to myself. So I grabbed the camera, picked up Franklin, and took him out into those eight inches of snow in the backyard.
He was not amused.
(But I was.)
Related link:
- Maybe my first post about snow in Germany (and Franklin's experiences with it) from two years ago
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